How Ashlee Bunney boned, I mean, branded her way to distinction in the marketplace

A marriage celebrant with a dirty sense of humour and "no shit bits" approach, Ashlee Bunney is lass who has made quite the name for herself recently, both in her industry and beyond. With a polarising, unapologetic, chew-you-up-or-spit-you-out style, Ashlee is not every couple's cup of Kool-Aid.
And well, that's kind of the point.
Last year I had the absolute bloody pleasure of helping Ashlee develop her professional branding. Her pursuit of becoming a household name has started to become a real life wet dream. She's had an article written about her in Perth Now, been chosen to present at a live storytelling event, and featured on a number of blogs and podcasts. She's also said, "Bye Felicia" to her 9-5 jobbie.
All because she got super fucking clear on her brand. Super clear on her messaging and her voice. Super clear on who she's here to serve (and not). And super clear on her visuals and how she can use them to show up in a way that commands attention.
In this blog Ashlee unloads on how investing in professional branding (check it out here) helped her define her distinct position in the market...
Tell us a lil bit about yourself and your business…

Ashlee Bunney - the brand, the myth, the legend.
Nuff said.
I am a marriage celebrant who guarantees No Shit Bits and gets off on putting a rocket up what people traditionally expect from a wedding.
I’m also an MC, presenter, social media menace, and self-proclaimed household name.
I see myself as an entertainer first and foremost, and the things I do are conduits for my greater mission - distracting people from existential doom through humour, joy and playfulness.
How did your business start? What made you decide to take the leap into marriage celebrancy?
It’s something that had been on my mind for a while, because I’ve always loved writing, public speaking and performing. But had always run the narrative that I “couldn’t” study once I’d left school, so I didn’t act on it.
But I wasn’t getting any younger and simply did not want to fuck spiders (aka have unfulfilling jobs) anymore. So in 2022 I pulled my finger out my anoos and enrolled in my Cert IV Celebrancy, then in 2023 I was registered as an authorised celebrant and launched my business.
Describe your initial brand conceptualisation when you first got going in business? What aspects were you 100% on? What aspects did you make up as you went? What aspects did you really have no clue about?
I knew straight away that my brand was just going to be an extension of me. Of my dirty sense of humour, my unique perspective of the world, my bold, polarising approach.
I didn’t realise just HOW dirty, bold and polarising it would end up though, and it could still get even better/worse tbh…
I knew I had to stand out in a saturated market, and I knew that couples would be booking me for me.
I really didn’t know what my visual brand should look like though, my first brand colours were just whacked together with some DIY website. I did naturally lean towards a retro kinda lewk though, which is what my profesh branding ended up being too 🤘
How did you know you were ready for professional branding? What made you take the leap and go for it?
I felt I had my brand foundations strong enough to know that my visual assets needed to reflect what I was already putting out in the world.
And putting out full stop amiright HAHA.
I also wanted a bangin’ website, so it made sense to have the same EXTREMELY TALENTED PERSON (that’s you, Nic) do both at the same time.
Since having your brand visuals developed, how has this helped you step even more into your unique brand persona? How has it helped you differentiate yourself in the celebrant industry?

I have two words to say to you, Kimmoi - Micro. Bone.
Say less.
What started as a throwaway joke, has become the North Pole 🍆 of the Ashlee Bunney brand.
A marriage celebrant having a peen microphone as part of her brand suite may be a… bone… of contention to some, but as far as I’m concerned - I’ve never been more satisfied.
Even though the Microbone likes to think it’s the main character, it doesn’t have bigger dick energy than me. I believe that one’s brand visuals are the support act for the star of the show.
You need to be able to communicate to your ideal clients how you’re different, how you’re the solution to their problems, why you’re the right choice for them, before you worry about colours, fonts or logos.
Because it’s only when you can confidently express your brand against a (theoretical) plain white backdrop, that you/your brand designer will know what sort of backdrop will help tell your story even better.
My “if a comedian and a rockstar had a baby” branding definitely enhances my unique position in the market, because it enhances ME, in the market.
How would you describe the shifts in your mindset and business approach since going all in on defining your brand?
It definitely made my vision even clearer, and having the backing of such slick, cool as fuck visuals makes me even more confident to go balls to the wall.
Professional branding is just that - professional. And while my style may not be considered “profesh” ha, I want my business to be seen as profesh, legit and trustworthy.
What epic business opportunities or brand mentions have come about since stepping wholeheartedly into your brand?
💥 Had an article written about me on PerthNow
💥 Had a self-penned article published
💥 Co-presented in a business mastermind
💥 Been chosen to speak at a live storytelling event
💥 Been a presenter doing live interviews at the Perth Corporate Rumble twice
💥 Being trained up to host quiz nights
💥 Been a guest on numerous podcasts
💥 The most recent being after one of the hosts started basically beating off about my copy, brand, filthy gob - nek minute I’m recording with them
💥 Written guest blogs
💥 Been asked to coach people about how to spice up their brands
💥 Been asked to write copy for people
💥 Been asked to be the lead celebrant for a new VERY cool, VERY aligned elopement venue
💥 And not to mention, attracted THE sickest couples, who pay me to be my rogue, fucked self in front of their nans #LivingTheActualDream
💥 But obvi the coolest opportunity has been this very blog for the one and only Cannect Communications (pay me later xoxo)
What’s next in your pursuit of becoming a household name?
Well, after only 15 months in business, I’m leaving my full time day job to go balls-deep into my entertainment empire farkin’ yeewww.
I don’t know exactly what the future of my business looks like yet, but I also trust that I don’t need to know right now. I just need to keep taking aligned action and putting myself out there.
But as soon as I have the capacity I will be starting my very own podcast (keep an eye out for “Rough Around the Edges” with Ashlee Bunney, dropping ya panties and/or into your pod feed soon).
And I want to pursue writing more too, would love to have a regular column somewhere!
Basically - WATCH. THIS. SPACE. C*NTS.
Thank you Ashlee!
Readers, go and give this legend some love.
Keen to define your spot in the market and develop your own memorable AF brand that all the right feathers flock to?
Let's do it baby! If you think I might be the gal for the job, take a look at my branding packages and let's get your business connecting with the people who MATTER.